ShareWay IP Professional Edition
User's Guide
When I try to assign an IP address to a target server, the dialog allows
me to change the port number, but no list of IP addresses appears.
- You must be running Mac OS 8.1 on the ShareWay Macintosh.
- You must set up a file called "IP Secondary Addresses" in
the ShareWay Macintosh's Preferences folder (see the Multiple
IP Address Appendix).
When I try to access a target server, I get an error message, "This
file server is running on your machine. Please access the volumes and files
locally." The file server I'm trying to access is not on my machine.
- If you attempt to access any target server from the ShareWay IP machine
AND the target server has the same IP address (even if it has a different
port number) as the ShareWay machine, attempts to mount that server are
thwarted by AppleShare, which knows that the IP address is on the same
machine (but doesn't know that the real server is actually remote).
I want to set the target server to a particular server, but that server
doesn't show up in ShareWay IP's list.
- Verify that the server is running.
- Verify that ShareWay IP's AppleTalk connection is configured properly.
- Verify that you can see the server using the Chooser on the ShareWay
IP machine. If you can't, there is an AppleTalk connectivity problem between
the server and ShareWay IP machines.
- Verify that you have selected the zone in which the server resides.
On a client Macintosh, when I select AppleShare in the Chooser, there
is no "Server IP Address..." button.
- The "Server IP Address..." button will only appear if you
are running AppleShare Client 3.7 or later.
On a client machine, I enter an IP address assigned by ShareWay IP, but
I get an error.
- If ShareWay IP is on a different machine than the server, verify that
you entered the IP address that ShareWay IP uses for the server, not the
server's IP address. The IP address that ShareWay IP uses for a server
is displayed in the Target Server window.
- Verify that there is TCP/IP connectivity between the client and ShareWay
IP machines. Try pinging ShareWay IP from the client using a ping program.
- If there is a firewall between the client and ShareWay IP, verify that
it has made accessible the port number that ShareWay IP uses for that server.
- Verify that ShareWay IP is running and active, and that connections
to the targeted server are enabled.
- Verify that the target server is active and reachable over AppleTalk
from ShareWay IP. ShareWay IP will display a status of "unavailable"
if it cannot reach a target server over AppleTalk.
I can't log on to a target server using a custom authentication mechanism.
It works if I use AppleTalk, but not if I use TCP/IP through ShareWay IP.
- ShareWay IP only supports AFP transactions between the client and the
server. It does not support custom authentication mechanisms.
When I try to connect to a server through the Gateway, I get the message,
"This file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Try
again later."
- There are too many users trying to connect to the Gateway's target
server. ShareWay IP Professional will, by default, handle up to 20 users
simultaneously for a particular server, although the limit is configurable.
The server's limit is displayed in the server's Server Info window.
- It is possible the server itself has reached its maximum connection
limit. For instance, personal file sharing has a limit of 10 connections
per server.
- There may be too many total users connected through the Gateway. ShareWay
IP Professional supports a maximum of 120 users through the Gateway at
one time.
When I try to start ShareWay IP or enable connections to a particular
target server, I get an error message that the port is already in use.
- You are running an application which utilizes the desired port. Such
applications could include AppleShare IP, another copy of ShareWay IP,
or an Internet application which happens to use that port. Try a different
port number.
I enabled logging, but no log file is being written.
- Be sure you are looking for the log file in the Preferences folder
- Be sure no other application has that log file opened.
An IP address I entered in the Secondary IP Addresses file does not show
up in the list of potential addresses for targeted servers.
- Check to be sure the format of that file is correct.
- Be sure the TCP/IP control panel is set to manual addressing.
- Restart the Macintosh to ensure that any changes to the file have taken
- Be sure you have selected the radio button to display all IP addresses
rather than just the unused ones in the IP addresses dialog box.
A connected user's idle time resets even though that user seems not to
be doing anything.
- Often the Finder will automatically query a volume to update its contents
of that volume. In this case the idle time will reset.
ShareWay IP displays an incorrect host name, or just an IP address, in
the AFP URL field.
- There is no host (DNS) name assigned to the ShareWay IP machine.
- When a host name was assigned to the ShareWay IP machine, a "reverse
DNS lookup" or "PTR" record was not assigned, or was assigned
incorrectly. Contact your network administrator if you wish ShareWay IP
to display the correct host name in the AFP URL.
I can only add a maximum of two servers.
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